
You passed the IQ-Test

Add your points and compare the result with the following table:

Points Comment


- 4634 No comment!
If I would say you have the IQ of a fly, it would be a insult for a fly!


- 4633 to 0 You must have very interessting discussion with your teddy!
The only problem is, that your teddy's always right!


1 to 100 Welcome to the club of "homo sapiens"! Although you cannot think and chew a chewingum at the same time, you needn't be sad. Your IQ is comparable to the IQ of a 6-month-old baby! Better than nothing...


101 to 300 Congratulations! You are capable to do some simple work like: sorting beans, acting as a crash-car dummy, doing politics etc.


301 to 450 Hey! You own to be called intelligent!
You can read, calculate, everything a human is capable to.


450 to 600 Wow. You're kind of genius. The high-society of intelligence is waiting for you!


600 to 724 Albert Einstein was a sissy beside you! But be careful. You're almost too intelligent, so that you are in danger that your intelligence handicaps you.
Poor girl- or boy-friend! Aren't you rid of all the explanations and corrections?


725 Unbelievable!!! Mankind never saw someone like you!


726 to 800 Even more unbelievable! Mankind never saw such a betrayer like you! The maximum score is 725!!!
Either you calculated wrong (see score -4633 to o) or you tried to betray us!
Calculate your points once again and subtract 500 as a penalty.

You did it! You reached the end! But it was not for nothing!

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